Masterchef Junior Recap 05/19/22: Season 8 Episode 10 “Totally Egg-streme!”

Masterchef Junior Recap 05/19/22: Season 8 Episode 10 "Totally Egg-streme!"

Tonight on FOX Gordon Ramsay’s Masterchef Junior continues with an all-new Tuesday, May 19, 2022, season 8 episode 10 called “Totally Egg-streme!,” and we have your weekly Masterchef Junior recap below.

On tonight’s Masterchef Junior episode as per the FOX synopsis, “This week, the seven remaining junior chefs test their culinary knowledge of different types of eggs and cuts of steak. In 45 minutes, the chefs must create a dish with an egg of their choice, ranging from a tiny quail egg to a giant ostrich egg.

The winning chef earns immunity and decides the order in which the other contestants will choose a cut of steak in an Operation-style game. The winner of the steak challenge will get his or her recipe published and win a trip to a cattle ranch.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Masterchef Junior recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Masterchef Junior videos, pics, news & recaps, right here!

Tonight’s Masterchef Junior recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The seven remaining junior chefs come to the stage. There are an array of birds everywhere. There are ostriches, turkeys, and more. It’s a big night as one chef will earn immunity while another will have their recipe published. The judges say their hellos. Getting right into it. The chefs first challenge will be cooking with different eggs. There are seven different eggs in the kitchen. They have 45 minutes.

There are duck eggs, quail eggs, ostrich eggs, and more. Gordon tells them they need not be ordinary. Time starts now!! They all run to the kitchen. Ivy is looking for ostrich eggs. A’Dan is using chicken eggs. He is also cooking with oysters. Gordon gets him to taste the juice. He is grossed out. Gordon laughs.

Gordon visits Grayson. He chose a goose egg. Thee have only 10 minutes left. Time is up before the chefs knew it. The judges walk around and look over as well as taste the dishes. They will call three up. Grayson goes first. He made steak Benedict. They like his effort and it was a smart play. Ava brings her dish next. She has made a Hueves Rancheros.They love her eggs and presentation.

A’Dan brings his dish next. They all taste it. They love it. He really brought it home this time. They talk on the side. A’Dan is the winner. He has earned immunity. The rest of them must now compete in the elimination challenge. They get into their black aprons. It’s on to beef!

The judges review the different cuts. A’Dan will call the order in which the other six pick their cuts. Molly is first to pick with Grayson last. They all pick their cuts in a setup that mirrors the old game of operation.

It’s time to get cooking. Whoever wins will have their recipe published and will be able to visit a cattle ranch. The finalists are given 60 minutes.

The challenge goes by very quickly as they all look very stressed. Grayson brings up his dish first. He cooked tri-tips. The judges taste it. They feel the glaze he used isn’t the greatest. They explain that with just 6 of them remaining, the competition is getting tight.

Molly is up next with a filet. They feel her plate looks sparse. She attempted to cook it medium-well. They all taste it. Her steak is overcooked. Gordon is surprised. She walks away crying. Ava is up next. They love the cook of her steak. She could is used more salt. Gordon tells her good job.

Ivy is next. They cooked a flat iron steak. The cook was great as well as the sauce. Liya comes to the front next. They make a skirt steak. Gordon loves the look of her dish. All three of the judges are very impressed. They love the glaze.

Cruz is the final dish. He cooked a rib eye. Gordon is concerned because he cooked it in the oven. They taste the steak. The seasoning is good but the texture is wrong. Gordon knows he could have done better.

The judges take a moment. They announced that there can only be one winner. Liya is the winner! Ivy and Ava are all safe. Molly, Grayson, and Cruz are now at the bottom.

The person set to go home is….Cruz. The three hug. Cruz cries as he says goodbye to the judges.