Chicago PD Recap 10/12/22: Season 10 Episode 4 “The Center Of The Universe”

Chicago PD Recap 10/12/22: Season 10 Episode 4 "The Center Of The Universe"

Tonight on NBC their drama Chicago PD returns with an all-new Wednesday, October 12, 2022, season 10 episode 4 called, “The Center Of The Universe,” and we have your Chicago PD recap below. In tonight’s Chicago PD season 10 episode 4 called, “The Center Of The Universe,” as per the NBC synopsis, “The team investigates a string of brutal pharmacy robberies and Halsted connects with one of the victims about their Army careers. Upton suspects there is more to the story and confides in Voight.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Chicago PD recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Chicago PD recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Detective Jay Halstead left Intelligence. He left Voight’s team. He did so because he temporarily rejoined the army. He was going to be carrying out an out-of-country mission for them and so he was truly gone. He said goodbye to the team. He said goodbye to Upton. He even said goodbye to his brother. Halstead was out of the picture and that left a spot open. A spot that could go to the kid. Dante Torres hasn’t been out of the academy all that long, but he’s proven useful and he’s been assisting the team for months now. Dante also brought the team their most recent case. Dante called them after a neighbor was killed.

Dante had gotten a call from the victim earlier that day. Her name was Marisol Marin. He ignored that call because he was being yelled at by his superior and he needed to focus on work. But that missed call cost him. His neighbor called him because someone was breaking through her door. Dante didn’t realize what was up until he went to dinner at his mother’s place that night. He asked her about Marin. She said he hadn’t heard from the woman in a while and so Dante went over there to go check on her. He noticed the broken-down door. He went in with his gun drawn. He eventually found Ms. Marin dead of a gunshot wound to the head.

Her killer used a pillow to muffle the sound. It’s why the neighbors hadn’t called Dante. The neighbors don’t call the police when there’s trouble because they don’t trust them and so they know they can call Dante. Dante was like the neighborhood watch. He helps people when they call. It’s probably why Marin tried to call him and unfortunately, Dante wasn’t there to help. Which made this case personal. Dante claimed he wanted justice when he really wanted revenge. He went around to the local gangbangers in his neighborhood. He asked them about their neighbor. They refused to talk.

One, in particular, was trouble. Ramiro was his name. Ramiro’s car was seen leaving the crime scene around the time of death and yet he claimed not to have seen anything. He also said he didn’t kill Ms. Marin. Ramiro also got angry that Dante would ask. He said they left Dante alone because their elders asked him to respect him and he added that he didn’t feel that same respect was given when Dante tried to interrogate him. Ramiro got in Dante’s face. He pushed him. He got arrested for assault on a cop. Dante still tried to question him about Marin and he brought up Ramiro’s family. And so Ramiro said that he knew where Dante lives.

Ramiro said he could make a phone call during lockup. He asked for a lawyer after he made his threat. Meaning Dante couldn’t question him any more. But before the interview ended, Ramiro said that his crew would handle the problem. They reportedly were looking for the real killer. It wasn’t long before Intelligence heard about a shooting in that neighborhood. They responded to the crime. They saw a gang member shooting at the brother of Dante’s friend. His name was Quico. Quico was on the run from the gang and the only reason that would be as if he killed their neighbor. The cops returned fire at the gang member shooting at Quico.

Dante even pursued the guy in his car. He eventually shot and killed the gangbanger with Quico disappearing in the chaos. Dante tried to find him again. he reached out to his friend. He and Mia were pretty close. They have been ever since they were kids. Dante asked Mia about her brother. She refused to talk. Dante then tried to sweeten her. He ordered them some drinks. He was getting Mia pretty drunk when he got a call from his mom. He thought it was an emergency. He went running to help. It was just an oven fire. His mom was okay. The house was okay. Dante even felt silly about panicking.

Then he got another call. This time from Atwater. While Dante was with his mother, a gangbanger from the 18 beat up Mia. They wanted to know where her brother was and they weren’t going to ask. They beat whatever information they could get out of her. Atwater covered for Dante on why the gangbanger got away. Dante was also told by Voight to crack Mia or they were going to arrest her for being an accessory to the murder. So, Dante talked to Mia. He told her that the gang would kill her brother. He however would keep her brother safe. He promised her that he would keep her brother alive and so she told him how to find Quico.

Dante was later able to arrest Quico. He also got the full story of what happened from him. Quico didn’t kill their neighbor. Someone from the gang did. Quico stole from the gang and they blamed Marin because she was supposed to be guarding their assets. Quico witnessed the murder. He got twenty years for the part he played. Dante went to go arrest the person who killed Marin when the guy fired back and Dante was forced to kill him. And ultimately he lost Mia’s friendship because her brother got years in prison.

The gang also tried to move into Dante’s home, but he settled things the old way. He fought Ramiro and that won him some respect on the street.