Big Sky Finale Recap 01/18/22: Season 3 Episode 13 “That Old Feeling”

Big Sky Finale Recap 01/18/22: Season 3 Episode 13 "That Old Feeling"

Tonight on ABC their new thriller by David E. Kelley, Big Sky airs with an all-new Wednesday, January 18, 2023 episode 10  and we have your Big Sky recap below. In tonight’s Big Sky season 3 episode 13 ‘That Old Feeling,’ as per the ABC synopsis, “With Denise and Emily’s lives on the line, Jenny and Beau are determined to bring the Bleeding Heart Killer to justice, no matter what it takes.

Meanwhile, Cassie uses her connections to pin down their possible location; and Sunny makes a fiery decision that will change her family forever, but will it all be enough to save the ones they love? Find out on the season finale.”

So make sure to tune in between 10 PM and 11 PM ET for our Big Sky recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, videos & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Big Sky episode, Buck still has Denise and Emily captive, he makes stop, he is walking through a parking lot to find a vehicle that he can Hotwire when a guy comes out of a bar and sees the two women in the car pleading for help. He is about to call 911, when Buck sees him and whacks him on the head.

Beau and Jenny are at a crime scene. His ex-wife shows up and he tells her that they think Beau has Emily. Jenny gets a call, about the guy who got hit at the bar, Jenny thinks the women are alive.

Sunny is packing up some thing when she hears a creak on the stairs, she got to investigate and it is her son, Walter and he wants to know where Buck is, he hurt Paige and he likes cut out women’s lives. Sonny says she has a plan, it’s going to set everything right.

Surveillance at the bar shows Buck dragging the man’s body who he hit. Buck drops something, looks like its important and Jenny wants to know what it is.

Sunny goes out to speak to Poppernak who is staking out her house.

Beau is really upset, he tells Jenny that he is supposed to protect his kid. He is beside himself, he says Emily is probably terrified. Jenny is convinced that Buck won’t kill them, he needs leverage. They decide it is a good idea to go speak to Sunny. Meanwhile, at Sunny’s house there is smoke and the alarm is going off. Poppernak goes inside to investigate and when he does, Sunny gets away.

They zoom in on the item that Buck dropped, it is a keychain that Cormack recognizes the key for the gate to the land where they hunted on.

Sunny is on the run, but Beau and Jenny find her, she says she was running some errands. Beau just about loses it with her and Jenny tells him to calm down, they are going to do this the right way. They take her into the station and Beau tells her that she is going to help get their daughter back.

Beau is putting in gas, he fills several continuers. Meanwhile, in the back of the trailer, Denise found a pocket knife in the man’s pocket who Buck knocked out. Beau takes off the tape on their mouths to give home water and Buck gives them water. Denise begs with Buck to let Emily go. When he reaches down to give Denise water she tries to attack him with the knife and fails. He tells them next time instead of water it is going to be gasoline and a lighter. He puts the containers of gasoline in with them and locks the door.

Beau asks Jenny if she trust Sunny, she says they have no choice, she is the best choice. Buck calls Sunny, he tells her it is ride or die time. She tells him that this is the end of the road for them because he hasn’t been honest with her in a long time. She tells him that she knows about the women he grasped. He tells her the cops got to her, Beau grabs the phone and threatens him. Buck tells Beau that he is going to let Sunny go or he is going to hurt Denise and Emily, he is the one who is calling the shots.

Cassie is on the road with Cormack to the hunting land to see if Buck went there.

Buck meets with Beau and Jenny, but there is no trailer attached to the pickup. He tells Beau that he wants to see his wife. Sunny comes out of the vehicle and Beau lets her go talk to Buck. He asks her if she is ok and she tells him to end this right now, do the right thing. Beau says time is up. Buck says he is leaving there with Sunny, and when they get far enough away, he will call them and tell them where the women are, there is no other choice. Beau leaves with Sunny.

Cassie and Cormack arrive at the gate, it is locked. Cormack says they should hike in. Sunny gives Buck the tracking device she had in her pocket, he throws it out the window. Sunny tells him that she found out what he did. He asks her if she can forgive him, she says if he gives back the women than she will consider it. He says it is not that simple. She threatens to get out, and Buck tells her to call Beau, he gives him coordinates. Then, he tells Sunny to throw the phone out the window, and he tells her that the world doesn’t mean anything to him without her. She tells him that she wants to go to the spot where he asked her to marry him, one thing at a time.

Beau and Jenny find the tailer, cops are there as well and when one cop moves closer to the trailer, it is triggered, the trailer blows up.

Cassie and Cormack walked to a cabin where they would stay where they hunted, the don’t find anything.

There was only one body in the trailer, and it was a guy, they think it is the guy who Buck hit on the head at the bar.

Poppernak finds Buck’s pickup, he calls it in and says he thinks Buck and Sunny are on foot. Sunny and Buck are at the top of a hill, she tells him thats she gave him everything, she thought he was the man she wanted but he wasn’t, he wasn’t a man at all. He says he is sorry and he could change. She tells him that he turned her against Walter and all the bad things he did. She can’t abide by that. She tells him to come to her, she kisses him and says that was her goodbye kiss. Walter walks up, he has a knife, he tells Buck he was the monster all the time and Buck says he should have gotten rid of him long ago.

Buck gets in a scuffle with Walter and smashes him in the head twice. Beau and Jenny show up, Beau runs at Buck and falls down the incline with him. Buck has Walter’s knife and he tries to stab Beau in the neck. Beau demands to know where his daughter is and Buck says it is too late. Beau is strangling him and Jenny runs up and stops him, tells him it is not worth it. Sunny shows up, she has a gun and she tells Buck to get to his feet. Buck tells her to shoot him and she does, then she drops the gun. Jenny handcuffs Sunny and Beau runs to Buck and yells no.

Cassie gets a call, she tells Cormack that his dad is dead, his mother shot him, and they didn’t get a location of the women. Cormack then remembers an old mine shaft. Jenny and Cormack go to check it out and they hear the women screaming. They knock down the door and are the women.

Beau is reunited with his daughter. Jenny with Denise. Beau thanks Cassie and Cormack.

Jenny tells Sunny that it is a miracle but her son is alive. Sunny says she did what she had to do. Poppernak cuffs her and she says goodbye. Jenny tells Cassie she would have done the same thing, and sh knows she would have as well.

Tonya takes Donna to the diner, he is in a wheelchair. She tells him that he was right, she should have left it alone like he said, she didn’t and he almost got killed and she is so sorry. He tells her that she sort of kissed him and he wants to know what she thinks of it. She says she thought he was going to day, he says it was a pity kiss. He says he felt something, like the first time he went to Tim Hortons and had a maple glaze. He says it is a shame that after all of that nobody got the money. She smiles and tells him she transferred when he was laid up, she wasn’t going to walk away empty handed after everything they have gone through. She grabs his hand and says they make a good team.

Cassie tells Cormack that Sunny was asking about him, he tells her it might be a while, but he is glad that she is with him. Cassie gives him a kiss.

Cormack goes into the hospital room to see his brother, who is in recovery, and they both smile.

Jenny is at home when there is a knock at the door, it is Beau, he asks her if it has to be an emergency overtime he shows up. She says no, and invites him in for a beer. He tells her his ex-wife is moving back to Houston, but he doesn’t know what he is going to do. He has a lot of ghosts in Houston. She asks if he is ready to tell her about them. He says he will have to finish a few beer before that. He thanks her, for everything. She says he would have done the same for her. She puts her hand in his.