Chicago Med Recap 03/27/24: Season 9 Episode 8 “A Penny for your Thoughts, Dollar for your Dreams”

Chicago Med Recap 03/27/24: Season 9 Episode 8 "A Penny for your Thoughts, Dollar for your Dreams"

Tonight on NBC their medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Wednesday, March 27, 2024, episode, and we have your Chicago Med recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago Med season, 9 episode 8 called, “A Penny for your Thoughts, Dollar for your Dreams,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Archer, Hannah and Charles encounter an expecting father who claims he’s telepathic and receiving messages from his yet-to-be born son.

Zola works to thaw out a frozen criminal. Ripley treats Liliana’s brother as a favor to Charles.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Chicago Med recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago Med episode, Dr. Asher invited the new doctor back to her place. She’s gotten to know Ripley. She likes what she sees. She invited him over for “tea” that was a euphemism for something else. She didn’t think he’d actually drink tea and leave because he has to go to work the next morning.

Asher may not have been clear, but she knew when a guy wasn’t interested. Ripley wasn’t interested. He had a shot with her and he didn’t take it. Asher took the hint. She also avoided him the next morning. She figured she could avoid him for a couple of weeks until they both forget about what happened. And she also had patients to treat.

Asher was called in for a pregnant woman. Her patient’s name is Becca. She wasn’t in labor. She slipped. She didn’t break anything and was going to be fine. It was her husband that swore she needed to be delivered that day. Tyler claimed to be telepathic. He reads minds.

He read his unborn son’s mind and he “knew” the baby was in distress. He demanded an obstetrician. Dr. Archer couldn’t talk him out of it. He called for Asher. He also called for Dr. Charles as well. Tyler needed a therapist. He was convinced that his son was in distress.

Archer ran several tests. The baby showed no signs of distress. Becca was also in the clear. Asher ran several more tests and again everything was fine.

Becca’s blood pressure was a little high. It was probably from stress. Caused by her husband. She also had a great reason to doubt Tyler’s telepathy. They had lost their first child to SIDS. Their daughter died at six months. There were no signs showing she was in distress. She just died one day and Tyler could be overcompensating with the new baby.

Tyler wasn’t telepathic with anyone else. The only person his powers worked on was his unborn son. Dr. Charles spoke to Tyler and he was able to rule out schizophrenia.

He was thinking that Becca might be right when she said her husband has PTSD. Tyler was constantly pushing for tests. He wouldn’t settle for a mere ultrasound. Which they did by the way. He thought the machine must be broken. He was stressing his wife out so much that her blood pressure kept rising. Asher felt it was getting dangerous for the baby. She told Becca that they had to induce her.

Becca was so annoyed that her husband was getting his way that she kicked him out of the room. Tyler went to the waiting room and he dropped something. Charles saw his hands shake as he tried to pick up some loose change. Charles asked him if he was okay.

He swore his way only he still seemed trouble. Charles didn’t spend as much time with him as he probably should have. He got distracted by Lilliana’s brother. Her brother Pawel was known troublemaker. He cost his sister her dream house because he needed her money to get out of trouble.

He showed up at Charles’s place with a broken arm earlier that day. He didn’t want to be treated. He just thought Charles would give him painkillers and that’s all he wanted. Charles didn’t do that. He brought Pawel to the hospital. He had Ripley check him over.

He even asked Ripley if Pawel’s injury could be done to something or by someone wishing to harm him. Pawel was a troublemaker after all. Charles didn’t want him getting in debt to the wrong people again. And so it wasn’t until Pawel was cleared to leave the hospital that Charles solely focused on Tyler.

Charles came to believe that Tyler could have MS. It would explain his shaking hand. It would also explain his deteriorating mental health. Charles went to Archer with his thoughts. He got Archer to agree to test Tyler for MS. They tried to convince Tyler that it was to prove his telepathy.

He saw through that and so Archer basically came right out to ask if he was experiencing several symptoms connected with MS. Tyler was seriously considering it when his wife went into distress. The baby’s cord was coming out first. They needed to rush Becca to the OR for a c-section.

Tyler couldn’t join her. He almost collapsed. He had to be checked. They were trying to convince him to get tested when Dr. Ahmad did something that could cost her everything. Ahmad had two patients. One was practically a saint. He ran a homeless shelter.

He desperately needed new lungs because cystic fibrosis cost him his old ones. This guy was married. They were hoping to start a family once he was back on his feet. Only the second patient was nothing like him. He was a pimp with a long rap sheet for human trafficking.

His girlfriend/hooker/power of attorney may have caused injuries to the man for all they know. He was stabbed in the eye. He was left out in the cold and he had to be warmed up before he was declared brain dead. There were a whole bunch of steps before he could be ruled out as dead.

Ahmad rushed through them because she tested him to see if he was a match for the saintly patient. She was about to remove his lungs without waiting the mandatory twenty-four hours. And it turns out the evil guy was still alive because he came to right as he was being moved to surgery.

This was why they waited to rule people as brain dead. Ahmad tried to rush through those steps because she ultimately didn’t care whether pimp lived or died. Archer told her off. He kicked her out of the ED. She could be fired for this. Archer also blamed Dr. Marcel for this. Marcel was supposed to keep an eye on Ahmad. She almost killed a guy on his watch.

As for Tyler, he thought he was telepathic because he was right about his son being in distress. His baby was born healthy and it was a good thing he was delivered that day. He felt he didn’t need to be tested for MS in spite of him probably having it.

Pawel meanwhile sued Ripley and the hospital for malpractice because that was his plan all along.