NCIS Recap 11/04/24: Season 22 Episode 4 “Sticks & Stones”

NCIS Recap 11/04/24: Season 22 Episode 4 "Sticks & Stones"

Tonight on CBS NCIS returns with an all-new Monday, November 4, 2024, season 22 episode 3 called, “Sticks & Stones,” and we have your weekly NCIS recap below.

In tonight’s NCIS season 22 episode 4 called “Sticks & Stones,” as per the CBS synopsis, “After receiving intelligence on deadly threats to multiple locations that could lead to a catastrophic war, NCIS is called in to try to neutralize the danger.” 

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s NCIS Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s NCIS episode, all of NCIS was woken up at three in the morning about a full-scale war. It was believed that Russia or at least Russia’s proxies were about to attack Western Europe.

They were willing to go against NATO. United States was in an alliance with several European powers that made up NATO. If one was attacked, the other powers will rise up to defend them. It therefore didn’t make sense why Russia was willing to break this uneasy peace.

They kept their fight in Eastern Europe where they were fighting through proxies and they were still losing. They would be starting World War III if they moved farther west. And still the United States believe they were about to because they got intel from the NCIS office in Naples.

One of their allies was telling them that Russia was preparing for an assault via Belarus. The United States had to take the threat seriously and so everyone was called in.

The federal agents were put on high alert in case any nuclear weapons had been transported out of Russia. Parker called in his team. He couldn’t get in contact with Knight because she took the weekend off. She was off camping. Parker had to send Jimmy to go and bring her in. Knight didn’t arrive back in time as everyone was discussing a preventive attack.

The President wasn’t making decisions on this one. He was on board his plane. AirForce One was suffering technical glitches and the president couldn’t be radio’d in. The Speaker of the House was also on the plane. Which should have left things in the Vice President’s hands only they were having a secret colonoscopy.

This meant that Senator Judd Larmont was running things while everyone else couldn’t be contacted. The senator was dumb. He was quick to anger. He thought that NCIS Naples was in Florida instead of Italy. He also wanted to bomb Belarus first to show the world how tough the United States were.

The man was willing to kick off WWIII to prove a point. He didn’t care about the fallout. Or the many that would die if they went ahead with his plan. The generals were against it. NCIS was against it. The generals were willing to ignore common sense just so they wouldn’t break command. NCIS was different.

Parker was refusing to go along with the senator’s plans. The senator wanted NCIS to give them the location of Belarus’s vulnerable points. Parker didn’t want to sign off on that and so he refused direct orders from the senator as well as the general in charge.

FBI quickly moved in to arrest everyone that refused command. Parker and McGee were arrested. The FBI tried to arrest Torres as well and he escaped. Kasie meanwhile connected Jimmy’s phone to the security cameras at NCIS. She wanted him to see it wasn’t safe to come back.

It turns out Naples sent out a second message to their American friends. It was encrypted. It would take Kasie and McGee a while to decrypt it, but the senator didn’t want to wait the few hours they needed to verify that Belarus was on the attack. He was that set on attacking first. It didn’t seem to matter if Belarus was willing to stand down.

Parker and McGee managed to get away from the FBI. They made it to Kasie’s lab. Kasie called Jimmy. He and Knight conferenced with the others. They came up with a plan to decrypt the message.

They just had to avoid the federal agents intent on arresting them. It was kinda quick how fest the FBI arrested or tried to arrest everybody. It was almost as if everyone knew in advance that NCIS would be a problem. The senator also had suspicious knowledge that the nukes in Florida would come in handy long before they got the original message from Italy.

Parker, McGee went to the basement. They ran into Torres. They all destroyed the comms room together. The FBI were locked out of system. They couldn’t get the locations in Belarus.

They also knew that NCIS was still in the building. The guys knocked out all power. This also meant Kasie couldn’t decipher the second message. The upside was that the FBI’s cell jammer was offline. The team was getting phone calls from Director Vance. Vance wasn’t brought in earlier on. As far as he knows, his team went rogue against a direct order.

The FBI quickly found the men. They arrested them again. They got the power back on. They were going to take the NCIS Agents to prison when Kasie said that she got back into her system and she could decipher the message from Naples. She just asked for a few more minutes. The FBI gave her that.

Kasie soon got the message that said Ukraine took out the Belarus launchers. Belarus was no longer a threat. They couldn’t attack the rest of Europe. The United States didn’t have to start a war and so the world was saved from an incompetent senator.

Director Vance was still upset with the team. They caused physical damage if nothing else. The electricity was still going in and out. Parker offered to pay for it, but he would go broke if he tried. Vance also clarified things. He said Ukraine took out the launchers before Naples got the first message.

This meant that Belarus was never a danger to NATO. The United States was willing to thank NCIS and FBI for their quick actions in preventing a war. It had to be secret of course. No one wanted the public to find out how close they came to destroying the world.

And Knight turned a page with Jimmy. They still love each other. They just weren’t going to be what the other needs and so they agreed to stay friends.