Kristen Stewart Freaks Out After Near Run-In With Liberty Ross At Coachella

Kristen Stewart Freaks Out After Near Run-In With Liberty Ross At Coachella 0416

Yes, of course. Over tens of thousands of people showed up in their hippy best for Coachella Music Festival last weekend so naturally Kristen Stewart and Liberty Ross would almost bump into each other. It’s like physics… law of attraction or something. Or it could just be wishful thinking on The Sun’s part. Either way, we’re running with it.

At first we heard Kristen and Rob stayed on their side of the grounds hanging with friends like Katy Perry all weekend. Liberty Ross was spotted at the Diesel + Edun Studio Africa Event at Tally Horse Ranch with Bono and her new boyfriend Jimmy Iovine (way cooler). But now we’re hearing Liberty meandered and found herself close to Rob and Kristen at the Jurassic 5 concert. Kristen wasn’t ready for that to say the least.

“Kristen has tried so hard to put everything from last year behind her — and she still feels incredibly guilty She and Rob had turned a massive corner in recent months and they were both there to enjoy themselves. The last thing she wanted to do was make Liberty feel uncomfortable, either. She looked pretty upset in the backstage bar later on that evening,” a source told The Sun.

L.A. is a small town. Kristen just has to get used to things like this since it seems like Liberty’s enjoying her single status and is ready to stick around for awhile. Kudos to both for not throwing down or causing a scene. That’s even if this nonsense happened. The Sun is spotty at best lately and this does appear to be too good to be true from a gossip standpoint. Actually too good to be true for some for you would be Liberty running up to Kristen and throwing a beer in her face while planting a wet, juicy one on Rob. So I guess The Sun did show some restraint to make the story seem somewhat believable.

Do you think this went down at Coachella? Kristen Stewart/Liberty Ross hook ups seems like they would be managed right? Would Liberty put herself in that situation or did she think it would be fun to mess with Kristen’s head a little bit? I’m not gonna lie… I would have done it!

Photo Credit: Premiere/Rocstar/CPR/FAMEFLYNET

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