After a year of on again/off again clandestine love, Johnny Amber and Amber Heard were just caught holding hands at a concert so, naturally, they’re engaged!
In its latest issue OK! magazine claims the couple are about to make it official. Word on the street is that Johnny kept it on the down low this year because he wanted to be respectful to baby mama Vanessa Paradis and he didn’t want Amber to be known as the other woman/mistress for the tenure of their relationship. Kind of late for all that. I wonder if Amber going back and forth between him and her ex-lesbian lover was all a part of the plan to throw the media off the trail. Is Johnny capable of being that sneaky and covert? Talk about least trusted stars….
So how do we feel about the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard announcement? Well, if it was true I’d be blurg. Amber Heard doesn’t do anything for me. Neither did Vanessa Paradis but she at least had something about her. I got his attraction to her super cool/super Parisian vibe there. I don’t so much with Amber. No offense to her. I’m sure she’s a lovely C-list actress but you just expect more from Johnny, right? He’s no George Clooney. He doesn’t slum for sex. Johnny likes talented, creative, in-demand and smart (Winona Ryder, Kate Moss, Vanessa Paradis). I’m not saying Amber isn’t those things but I’m not saying she is either. Perhaps it’s the aloofness. Amber hasn’t been hitting herself over the head for me to accept or get to know her either and that probably pisses me off more than I’m willing to admit.
So… is Johnny Depp engaged? Probably not. But what if he was? Are we down with Amber Heard?
Photo Credit: Fame Pictures
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