Soon, the only major country that’s going to be left with gay marriage outlawed will be Russia. According to reports, the UK is days away from passing the same sex marriage bill.
The bill is set to go through the House of Commons today, where it is reportedly expected to encounter little resistance among the members and minimum debate. Supporters of the bill have called the decision ‘momentous’, but obviously the detractors and opponents exist. As always, these opponents seem to think that the bill will ‘change the structure of society’ and change the meaning of marriage, which is the same utter nonsense that they usual spew.
After it had come through the House of Lords, one of the ‘lords’ explained, “Although this may be a day of unqualified rejoicing for them, there are many in our country, who by no stretch of the imagination could be called homophobic or bigoted, who are unhappy about this Bill. They are unhappy about this Bill because it does change the structure of society by changing the definition of marriage. I understand that you [supporters of the bill] feel euphoric today but please have a thought for those who have different views.” If you are ‘unhappy’ about this bill, how does that not make you bigoted? If you have a vested interest in this bill and you don’t want it to pass, how are you not ‘homophobic or bigoted’? Seriously?
Another participant, Lord Framingham, added that today could be a ‘deeply sad day’ for people in the country who believed in ‘traditional family’ values. Man, I’m surprised the bill managed to make it through with people like this.
Thankfully, we had more voices of reason than voices of idiocy, and the Stonewall chief executive explained, “It’s impossible to express how much joy this historic step will bring to tens of thousands of gay people and their families and friends.The Bill’s progress through Parliament shows that, at last, the majority of politicians in both Houses understand the public’s support for equality – though it’s also reminded us that gay people still have powerful opponents.”
Queen Elizabeth is expected to sign off on the new gay marriage laws later this week.
That is certainly true. Even while same-sex marriage laws get passed every day in the UK and the US, there are places like Russia and the Middle East where it’s actually dangerously illegal to express any signs of homosexuality. Our world has a long, long way to go before becoming truly accepting – not just of homosexuality, but even with race, gender, and religion.
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