Jessica McCain

Sons of Anarchy Spoilers Season 7 Episode 5 “Some Strange Eruption” Synopsis (VIDEO)

Sons of Anarchy Season 7 is heating up and episode 5 "Some Strange Eruption" promises to be even wilder than…

Gotham Spoilers and Synopsis ‘The Baloonman’ Season 1 Episode 2: Preview, Sneak Peek, Video, Photos

A detailed, scene by scene, blow by blow, Gotham Season 1 episode 2 'Selina Kyle' recap and review and an exciting…

Sons of Anarchy Spoilers Season 7 Premiere, Episode 2 ‘Toil and Till’ – Preview Review Sneak Peek Video

Another great night of Sons of Anarchy on FX!  Here is our review of the Season 7 premiere of SOA…

Doctor Who Recap Review Season 8 Episode 3 “Robot of Sherwood”

After last weeks episode of darkness, the Doctor decides he is up for some fun and asks Clara, in all…

General Hospital Recap and Weekly Review May 5 – May 9

What follows is the recap and review for General Hospital week of May 5 to May 9. The 2014 Nurses…

The Young and the Restless Recap and Weekly Review May 5 – May 9

The Young and the Restless weekly review and recap - week of May 5-9 follows. As a special feature we…

General Hospital Weekly Recap and Review April 28 – May 2, 2014

General Hospital was the show to watch during the week April 28 to May 2 and we covered it for…

The Young and the Restless Recap and Review: Week of April 28 – May 2, 2014

Last week, April 28 - May 2, on The Young and the Restless there were shocking revelations that indicate that…