81st Academy Awards

Slumdog Millionaire Sweeps The Oscar

Slumdog Millionaire racked up eight Academy Awards, including those for Best Picture and for its Director, Danny Boyle.   Everyone was…

Lisa Rinna SCARES THEM at the 81st Annual Academy Awards

The lips say it all....... BOO!

Stars at the 81st Annual Academy Awards

Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer Steven Spielberg and daughter Mikaela Whoopi Goldberg Beyonce Natalie Portman Kate Winslet Viola Davis Tina…

Bridget Fonda at the 81st Annual Academy Awards

Pretty girl, ugly dress.

Tilda Swinton ARRIVES FROM ANOTHER PLANET at the 81st Annual Academy Awards

Close encounters with the wierdest kind!

Queen Latifah is HANGING OUT IN THE PLACES at the 81st Annual Academy Awards

Girl's gotta hide that tummy and those hips, not show them off.

Mickey Rourke @ 81st Annual Academy Awards

Mickey Rourke an example of plastic surgery gone bad!

Anne Hathaway @ 81st Annual Academy Awards

The regal looking Anne Hathaway at the Oscars!

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt @ 81st Annual Academy Awards

Hollywood Royalty Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie at the Oscars.

Melissa Leo at the 81st Annual Academy Awards

Am I missing something? I've heard of matching your shoes with your purse, but matching your hair with your dress! I…