Andy Warhol

Kanye West Hires Warhol To Paint Kim Kardashian – Ridiculous?

Good grief, is there anything Kanye West won't do for Kim Kardashian? It would be romantic if it wasn't Kanye…

Edvard Munch’s ‘The Scream’ Breaks World Record And Sells For $119.9 Million

One of the worlds’s most recognizable paintings - Edvard Munch’s “The Scream”- was auctioned off for $119.9 million dollars at…

A “Thriller”- Era silk-Screened Portrait of Michael Jackson Created by Andy Warhol Sold for $812,500

A silk screen portrait of Michael Jackson by Andy Warhol, was exhibited at Christie's evening auction on Tuesday, and sold…

Got 1/2 Million To Spare? Michael Jackson Warhol Portrait Could Be Yours!

This silk-screened images of Michael Jackson created in 1984 during the Thriller era by Andy Warhol could be yours for $500,000…