Celebrity Quote Of The Day

Celebrity Quote Of The Day By Matt Damon

"She's very wise and a very thoughful person.  Hopefully, they'll inherit that." Matt Damon on hoping that his three daughters…

Celebrity Quote Of The Day By Kim Kardashian

'Growing up, I loved Disney movies.   But when Alladin came out, I was like ' Oh, my God, that's me!'…

Celebrity Quote Of The Day By Shia LaBeouf

"I'd be watching the news and they'd play my car crash, and Kim Kardashian's sister would jump on TV and…

Celebrity Quote Of The day By Chloe Sevigny

"Back then, she was just a girl from Dawson's Creek, and I was super-indie, so I was like, Ew, gross."…

Celebrity Quote Of The day By Gabourey Sidibe

"I'm afraid of people who are smaller than me.  This is a real fear.  I'd be too afraid to stand…

Celebrity Dirty laundry Quote Of The Day By Maggie Gyllenhaal

"She didn't say hi, she just started dancing with me.  I was drunk enough that I danced with her....for like,…

Celebrity Quote Of The Day By Jessica Simpson

"I want a confident man.  A man who understands me...and is not embarrassed of my life...A man's man." Jessica Simpson…

Celebrity Quote Of The Day By Freddie Prinze Jr.

"I'm good at it.  I'm fast.  I can time myself 46 seconds." Freddie Prinze Jr. on his diapering prowess.

Celebrity Quote Of The Day By Sean Hayes

"I feel like I've contributed monumentally to the success of the gay movement in america, and if anyone wants to…

Celebrity Quote Of The Day By Kristen Stewart

"This is going to baffle some people, but I was so proud of myself that night.  I was like, Whoa,…