Corey Feldman

Corey Feldman Hits Out Against His Mother, Calling Her Dangerous

Passages and sections of Corey Feldman's autobiography, Coreyography, continue to leak to the public. In the latest passage released, Cory…

Corey Feldman Outs Famous Hollywood Pedophiles: Names BIG Names in Coreyography Tell-All

Corey Feldman’s tell-all book, Coreyography: A Memoir, launches next week. In the tome, the former child actor reveals both he…

Corey Feldman Claims Corey Haim Was Bisexual and Sexually Abused By Major Hollywood Players: Coreyography Memoir

Corey Feldman's memoir Coreyography has been making the rounds, and it contains a lot of shocking details about his childhood…

Corey Feldman Denies Allegations that he’s an Orgy-Obsessed Playboy — But we know the Truth!

Corey Feldman is delusional, and he claims that he's not the orgy obsessed playboy that the media portrays him as. He…

Corey Feldman Says Consequences Of Pedophilia And Sexual Abuse Killed Corey Haim – Video

Corey Feldman is one very bitter 40 year-old washed up child star. Just listening to him complain about everything from…

Corey Feldman’s Wife Files for Divorce

Looks like Corey Feldman is going to be single again!  Corey's wife Susie Feldman has filed for divorce and asks for custody…

Demi, Ashton & Other Celebs Arrive At After Party For The LA Opening Of “Spead”

Ashton Kutcher,  Demi Moore, Garcelle Beauvais, Margarita Levieva, Corey Feldman, Sharon Lawrence, Anne Heche, James Tupper, Hal Sparks, Soleil Moon Frye and Maria Conchita Alonsoarrive to…