Don Cheadle

House of Lies Recap 1/18/15: Season 4 Episode 2 “I’m a Motherf**king Scorpion, That’s Why”

On Showtime House of Lies returns with a another great episode Sunday January 18, season 4 episode 2 called "I'm…

House of Lies Premiere Recap – Whose Baby Is It? Season 4 Episode 1″At the End of the Day, Reality Wins”

On Showtime House of Lies returns with a another great episode Sunday January 11, season 4 premiere episode called "At the End of…

George Clooney Is An Immature Prankster According To Don Cheadle

George Clooney might be 50 years old but he still has the playfulness of an 11-year-old, according to his co-star,…