Emma Watson

Emma Watson Looks Hot And Magical In July’s Issue of VOGUE

Emma Watson looks pretty stunning in July's issue of Vogue, charming the world with her bad-ass Hermione Granger wand and…

L.A. Scares The Crap Out Of Emma Watson

Despite her movie star status, actress Emma Watson wants to lead a normal life. She even attended a public college…

Emma Watson’s First Crush Was? Guess Who!

Emma Watson, 21, said she had the major hots for one of her Harry Potter co-stars when they were all…

Emma Watson Having Romance Troubles–Vote On Who She Should Date Below!

Emma Watson, most famous for playing Hermione Granger in the wildly successful (duh! duh! duh!) Harry Potter films, has said that she…

Emma Watson Takes Leave From Brown – Puts Studies On Hold – Was Bullying A Factor?

Some say that Emma Watson may be used to fending off Hogwarts' bullies as the character Hermione in Harry Potter…

Emma Watson Simply Stunning At The London Premiere Of Harry Potter [Photos]

Emma Watson, 20,   who plays Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films looked confident and stunning at the  World…

Emma Watson Topless Photo Is The Talk Of The Internet

Emma Watson, 20,  famous for her role as Hermione in the Harry Potter series probably wishes she had her wand now and …

Emma Watson Talks About ‘Life After Harry Potter’ In Dec. 2010 Vogue UK

Emma Watson, 20,  who is famous for playing Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movie series,  graces the December 2010 cover of…

Emma Watson Covers Seventeen Magazine Mexico

Harry Potter star Emma Watson looking adorable graces the cover of Seventeen Magazine Mexico.    Emma will soon be seen next…

Emma Watson Trying To Steal Robert Pattinson From Kristen Stewart

I smell a cat fight!! According to reports, Kristen Stewart is worried that Emma Watson is trying to steal boyfriend,…