
Bono will Never Be The Richest ‘Musician’ On Our Planet

Bono aka Paul David Hewson actually owns Facebook shares, 2.3 percent to be exact. It was done by his investment…

Kim Kardashian Claims The Internet Made Her Famous, Not Her Sex Tape

Kim Kardashian is either totally losing it or totally delusional - you choose!  Miss Kim has gotten it in her…

Rihanna’s Naked Holiday Photo Album

Rihanna loves showing off her naked body. Not a day goes by without a flesh fest for her fans via…

Madonna Offers Quentin Tarantino A Job During Live Facebook Chat (Photo)

Madonna has worked with just about everyone. Now she has her sights set on uber cool movie director Quentin Tarantino.…

More Hunger Games – And It’s In The Form Of A Puzzle!

Do you know what today is?  Today marks the 100th day fans have to wait until director Gary Ross brings…

PEOPLE.com Celebrates Sexiest Man Alive 2011 with ‘Funny is the New Sexy’ Facebook Campaign

PEOPLE.com celebrates Sexiest Man Alive 2011 with “Funny is the New Sexy,” a campaign launching today on PEOPLE’sFacebook page featuring…

Mark Zuckerberg’s New Fiancé Priscilla Chan? – Photos

Priscilla Chan is rumored to be engaged to one of the digitial age's biggest success stories - Facebook founder Mark…

Bristol Palin Responds To Olbermann On Facebook

Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol Palin, 20, has spoken out about comments MSNBC's Keith Olbermann made about her.  He called her…

Facebook Victim Refuses to Accept Willow’s and Brostol’s Apology

The man named "Tre" who was viciously attacked by Willow Palin on facebook refuses to accept the apology of Willow and…

Cook’s Source Pumpkin Fest Issue – Big Time Copyright Infringement!

The author Monica  Gaudio of a short piece on apple pie entitled "As American as Apple Pie - Isn't!" is screaming…