Gary Coleman

Stars Whose Loved Ones Turn Into Vampires

What happens to stars whose parents or lovers turn on them and begin to use them; use them for their…

Can These 5 Celebrities Recover From Their Recent Disasters?

What is the difference between Britney Spears and Robert Downey Jr., versus  Anna Nicole Smith and Gary Coleman? Well apart…

Gary Coleman Will Not Have A Funeral

The late ‘Diff’rent Strokes’actor will not be given a religious burial ceremony but will be cremated instead, as soon as…

Gary Coleman Endured An “Emotional Battle” With His “White Trash” Ex-wife

Kent Emmons – who was named as co-executor of the late actor Gary Coleman's estate in a 2005 will filed in…

Another Day Another Gary Coleman Will…

Gary Coleman – who died aged 42 after suffering a brain haemorrhage last month – named Anna Gray as executor of…

Former Manager Says “Gary Coleman’s Death Was “Foul Play”

Gary Coleman – whose ex-wife Shannon Price made the decision to turn off his life support machine – fell into a…

Gary Coleman’s Ashes Will Be Scattered On Train Tracks

Gary Coleman's ex-wife Shannon Price says Coleman asked to be cremated and wants the remainder of him to be put…

Gary Coleman’s Parents Say His Death May Have Been Foul Play

Gary Coleman's estranged parents Sue and Willie Coleman want to find out whether a “blunt instrument” was responsible for his passing…

Gary Coleman’s Ex-wife Shannon Price Has “No Rights” In His Will

Dion Mial - Gary Coleman's longtime friend and former manager, who has been named as the executor of his estate…

Gary Coleman Planned To Remarry Shannon Price

Diff'rent Strokes actor Gary Colemen - who died aged 42 late last month after suffering a brain haemorrhage - wanted to wed…