Gwen stefani

Gwen Stefanie Pre-Photoshop!

Wow! I thought Britney looked bad pre-photoshop! Gwen easily surpasses her! However, Gwen is also a lot older...source

Gwen Stefani Loves Her Family

Gwen Stefani has admitted she skives off work to stay at home with her husband and son. The blonde singer,…

A Night on the Town For the Cute Family!


Gwen Stefani in the Park With Her Son in Los Feliz (12/6/6)

Gwen Stefani Anounces Partnership With Coty (12/06/06)

Gwen and Gavin at the Billboard Awards 2006

Gwen Stefani Forgets She’s Famous

Singer Gwen Stefani finds it ''bizarre'' her everyday life is thought to be interesting enough to fill up gossip columns…

Gwen Stefani and Gavin Going to a Baby Shop (11/25/06)

Gwen Stefani Wants to Make Good Music Again!

Gwen Stefani wants to put her solo career on hold next year and resume her role as the frontwoman of…