Kate Gosselin

Police Called Over Kate Gosselin And Jon Gosselin Custody Dispute

Kate Gosselin and Jon Gosselin have a long history of taking passive aggressive swipes at each other via social media,…

Kate Plus 8 Recap 7/17/17: Season 5 Episode 10 “Kate Goes Skiing… Sort Of…”

Tonight on TLC Kate Plus 8 returns with an all new Monday, July 17, season 5 episode 10 called, “Kate Goes Skiing... Sort Of...” and we…

Kate Plus 8 Summer Premiere Recap 7/10/17: Season 5 Episode 9

Tonight on TLC Kate Plus 8 returns with an all new Monday, July 10, season 5 episode 9 called, “A Haunting at the Gosselins” and we have…

One Of Kate Gosselin’s Kids, Collin Gosselin, Goes Missing On Sextuplets’ 13th Birthday

Kate Gosselin threw a birthday party for her sextuplets last month. They all turned thirteen years old. Recent reports surfaced…

Kate Gosselin Pats Down Children After Jon Gosselin Visits, Kids Under Constant Surveillance?

Kate Gosselin has a sometimes contentious public image as a celebrity reality star mother, but her relationship with her eight…

Kate Gosselin Infuriated: Jon Gosselin Calls New Stripper Gig ‘A Blessing’

Kate Gosselin will be absolutely infuriated when she finds out about this. Her ex-husband Jon Gosselin has just revealed that…

Kate Plus 8 Recap 1/10/17: Season 5 Episode 7 “Game Night”

Tonight on TLC Kate Plus 8 returns with an all new Tuesday, January 10, season 5 episode 7 called, “Game Night” and we have your weekly…

Kate Plus 8 Recap 1/3/17: Season 5 Episode 6 “Sweet 16”

Tonight on TLC Kate Plus 8 returns with an all new Tuesday, January 13, season 5 episode 6 called, “Sweet 16” and we have your weekly…

Jon Gosselin Winning Custody Battle: Beats Kate Gosselin, Spends New Year’s With Four Gosselin Kids

Jon Gosselin has been fighting his ex-wife Kate Gosselin for custody and visitation of his kids for years, and it…

Kate Plus 8 Recap 12/27/16: Season 5 Episode 5 “Beach Time!”

Tonight on TLC Kate Plus 8 returns with an all new Tuesday, December 13, season 5 episode 5 called, “Beach Time!” and we have your weekly…