Larry Birkhead

Did Birkhead Lawyer Have a Thing for Howard K.?

In a bizarre twist in the Anna Nicole Smith legal after-mess, a new report suggests that Debra Opri, Larry Birkhead's…

Larry Birkhead "Needs to Call His Travel Agent" Soon!

Larry Birkhead emerged from a custody hearing in the Bahamas today looking happier than ever. He said, "I gotta call…

Larry Birkhead Does "OK" With Dannielynn

Larry Birkhead reveals that just three days before Dannielynn's birth, Anna sent him an e-mail saying, "Don't fall in love…

A Happy Ending For Everyone: Larry Birkhead is the Father of Dannielyn

Larry Birkhead is the father. He just announced to the world.The DNA results were unveiled inside and it's a DNA…

The Paternity Test Will Be Done…

The judge in the paternity dispute over Anna Nicole's baby has made it clear DNA testing is about to happen.…

Howard K Stern Admitted Dannielynn is Not His?

Howard K. Stern has reportedly admitted he's not the father of Anna Nicole Smith's daughter Dannielynn and is now willing…

Larry Birkhead Says "No Deal"

Larry Birkhead's lawyer said there will be no negotiating with Howard K. Stern. Debra Opri says the only subject of…

Anna Nicole Smith’s Funeral: With People She Loved and HATED!

Today, at Anna Nicole's funeral Howard K Stern spoke movingly and angrily. Singling out Smith's "so-called family members" but without…

Larry Birkhead Finally Met Dannielynn

Larry Birkhead finally met the child he claims is his 5-month-old daughter, Dannielynn. In their time together, Birkhead fed the…

The Crazies Are Back in Town to Test The Paternity!

Anna Nicole Smith has been ordered to submit her daughter for a paternity test. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert…