Kris Humphries Ridiculed As Cuckold For Kanye West’s Kim Kardashian Pregnancy Announcement

Kris Humphries was once Kim Kardashian’s man. Now he’s back to normal, doing what he does best. On Monday, J.R.…

Lil Wayne: I’m Famous Don’t Deny Me Entry To NBA Playoff

Lil Wayne denied entrance to NBA playoffs and he's completely shocked about  it. A representative of Lil Wayne’s told TMZ…

Charlie Bell And His Divorce Hell With Greedy Plastic Surgery Wife Kenya

Charlie Bell and his greedy wife Kenya Bell are all over the news and it is about how she is…

In Place Of NBA No Show Basketball Dream Team Assembled For World Tour

Looks like the NBA season is being shelved for another spell and so a dream team of some top NBA…

NBA Players Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton Draw Guns – Have Mexican Standoff In Wizard’s Locker Room!

And this is apparently over a gambling debt - this is exactly what you'd expect from the NBA today -…