Kate Middleton, Prince William, and Baby At Risk After Prince Harry Brags About Taliban Kills? BY Sphinx Kat on February 2, 2013 | Comments: 2 commentsRelated : Kate Middleton, Prince Harry, Prince William, The Royals
Kate Middleton’s Baby Will Have Prince Harry As An “Uncle Buck” BY Sphinx Kat on February 2, 2013 | Comments: Leave CommentsRelated : Kate Middleton, Prince Harry, Prince William, The Royals
Prince Harry’s Naked Vegas Lover Carrie Reichert To Write Scandalous Tell All Book About Partying With Celebs! BY Nicholas Sanford on February 1, 2013 | Comments: Leave CommentsRelated : Hot News, Prince Harry, The Royals
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Kate Middleton Furious As Prince Harry Suggests Prince William Fight In Afghanistan (Video) BY Jeanne Adams on January 25, 2013 | Comments: one commentRelated : Hot Celebs, Hot News, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry, Prince William, The Royals
Prince Harry Speaks About Killing Taliban Terrorists During Deployment in Afghanistan BY Sphinx Kat on January 22, 2013 | Comments: one commentRelated : Hot News, Prince Harry, Prince William, The Royals
Kate Middleton And Prince William Are Total Pop Music Freaks! BY Sphinx Kat on January 21, 2013 | Comments: 2 commentsRelated : Kate Middleton, Prince Harry, Prince William, Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth, The Royals
Kate Middleton and Prince William Plan Wild Party as Prince Harry Returns From Afghanistan BY Renier Palland on January 4, 2013 | Comments: one commentRelated : Kate Middleton, Prince Harry, Prince William, The Royals