Sara Leal

Demi Moore’s Miscarriage Caused Split With Ashton Kutcher

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher famously split last year when Demi filed for divorce. At that time the feeling in…

Demi Moore To Out Ashton Kutcher In Tell All Book

Is Demi Moore bitter and vengeful or does she just want to strike the first blow in her upcoming battle…

Sara Leal ClaimsThere Was More Wrong With Demi Moore’s Marriage Than Her

Sara Leal is not taking responsibility for causing the break up between Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. Sara says she…

Sara Leal Not To Blame For Demi Moore’s Divorce From Ashton Kutcher (Video)

In a brief interview with TMZ Sara Leal refused to take responsibility for causing Demi Moore to divorce Ashton Kutcher.…

Confirmed: Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher Getting A Divorce

Demi Moore is divorcing Ashton Kutcher because the punk cheated on her. Married for 6 years their relationship disintegrated when…

Demi Moore Drags Ashton Kutcher To Bruce Willis’ For Marriage Therapy

Ashton Kutcher was carted off by Demi Moore to Bruce Willis' Caribbean holiday home in the Turks and Caicos Islands…

Sara Leal Regrets Ashton Kutcher Affair?

Has Sara Leal grown a conscious since claiming to have banged Ashton Kutcher's brains out (he didn't have much to…

Ashton Kutcher Expects Demi Moore To File For Divorce

Now that Ashton Kutcher's rumored mistress, Sara Leal, has come out of the woodwork to tell the world how they…

Ashton Kutcher Had Blond Sex Marathon – Said He was ‘Separated’ From Demi Moore

Ashton Kutcher had sex for "about two hours" with a blond receptionist on his wedding anniversary, and it wasn't Demi…

US Weekly: Sara Leal Talks About How Ashton Kutcher Seduced Her

The October 17th, 2011 issue of Us Weekly features the cover story "The other Women Speaks: My Affair With Ashton" …