Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Makes Excuses as Bristol Palin Cancels Wedding to Sgt. Dakota Meyers Less Than a Week From Ceremony

Bristol Palin and Sgt. Dakota Meyers have called off their wedding. In a statement released via Facebook post on Monday, May…

Sarah Palin Spotted Without Wedding Ring: Divorce From Todd Palin?

Are Sarah and Todd Palin getting divorced - why has Sarah stopped wearing her wedding ring? Sarah Palin and her…

Sarah Palin And Her Family Involved In Ridiculous Massive Brawl At Birthday Party – Police Involvement!

Well, what do we have here? Sarah Palin and her family acting like a bunch of hick, brawling hooligans. Surprise,…

Matt Lauer and Sarah Palin Spend The Holidays Together

How bad is Matt Lauer's home life? I'd say it's pretty awful if heading to Wassila, Alaska to spend the…

Sarah Palin: Senate Run Threat! (Audio)

Sarah Palin refuses to go away, and this time, she’s hinting that she’ll run for Senate. You know, so she…

Bristol Palin Wins Lawsuit – Heckler’s Beware!

Bristol Palin Wins! The lawsuit filed by a man, Stephen Hanks, has been thrown out court.  Her attorney, John Tiemessen,…

Super Thin Sarah Palin Using Bristol Palin On Dancing With The Stars To Promote New Book?

Bristol Palin is a chip off the old block when it comes to creating controversy. She continues to rack up…

Russsel Brand Wants To F*** Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin hides the bodies of left wingers in the Alaskan ice after she shoots them with a sniper rifle.…

Levi Johnston Names His Unborn Daughter After A Deadly Weapon

Levi Johnston made news recently when word leaked out that his current girlfriend was expecting his child.  In case you’ve…

Sarah Palin In Ugly Family Battle Over Reality TV Shows

Sarah Palin is the undisputed the leader of her family, but with authority comes responsibility - and according to the…