Michael Muhney Headed to General Hospital or Prime Time After The Young and the Restless Firing BY Cate Meighan on February 4, 2014 | Comments: 51 commentsRelated : General Hospital, Soap Opera, Television, The Young and the Restless
Is Robin Scorpio Leaving General Hospital To Bring Jason Morgan Back? BY Heather DiPietro on February 2, 2014 | Comments: 21 commentsRelated : General Hospital, Soap Opera, Television, The Young and the Restless
Michael Muhney Moving to General Hospital as Fans Rally for Him to Land a Role in Port Charles BY Cate Meighan on February 1, 2014 | Comments: 18 commentsRelated : General Hospital, Soap Opera, Television, The Young and the Restless
Michael Muhney’s Final Day on The Young and the Restless: Mom and Sister Katy Offer Support (PHOTOS) BY Cate Meighan on January 30, 2014 | Comments: 16 commentsRelated : General Hospital, Hot News, Soap Opera, Television, The Young and the Restless
General Hospital Struggles With Bringing Michael Muhney To Port Charles – CDL Exclusive BY Cate Meighan on January 29, 2014 | Comments: 60 commentsRelated : General Hospital, Hot News, Scandal, Soap Opera, Television, The Young and the Restless
General Hospital Shock Spoilers Week: Monday through Friday January 27 to January 31 BY CDL Intern on January 27, 2014 | Comments: one commentRelated : General Hospital, Soap Opera, Spoiler, Television
General Hospital Mystery Solved: Nathan West Obsessed With Silas Clay Because They Are Related – CDL Exclusive BY Joanne Eglash on January 27, 2014 | Comments: 3 commentsRelated : General Hospital, Soap Opera, Television
General Hospital Recap: Week of 1/20/14 to 1/24/14 BY Jessica McCain on January 27, 2014 | Comments: 2 commentsRelated : General Hospital, Recap, Soap Opera, Television