Your Truly

Celebrity Dirty Laundry Has A Newsletter!

Celebrity Dirty Laundry has launched a newsletter to keep all our readers up to date on the latest gossip.  Out…

Happy Labour Day!

Wishing everyone a happy, safe labour day!  Enjoy the picnics and family fun!  My family and I will be having…

Celebrity Fashion Watcher Is Finding A New Home!

Celebrity Fashion Watcher is not gone!  Because of problems with Crappy Blue Host - Celebrity Fashion Watcher our sister site…


Hi Everyone, Blue Host who in their infinite wisdom deleted all our files and removed Celebrity Dirty Laundry last year…

Happy July 4th!

Update on Timbit Our Rescued Cat!

For everyone who sent wishes, donations, encouragement & e-mails over the past couple of months, here are some pictures of Timbit…

Celebrity Dirty Laundry Turns One Today!

Yes, Celebrity Dirty Laundry has reached its one year mark! We have been providing dirty laundry for one year. Hopefully,…