So yesterday we heard the stories of the weird gyrating and Lenny Kravitz dry humping at the Chanel Beachside Barbecue party on Wednesday night. Demi Moore was that girl. She was the wasted chick that you laugh at from across the room but make sure you don’t make eye contact with because you don’t want her to bring her craziness … Keep Reading
Celebrity Dirty Laundry - Page 12099
Justin Bieber and Scooter Braun Bashed by Simon Cowell Over their Grammy Snub Freak Out!
Recently, Justin Bieber was snubbed by the Grammy Award committee and his manager, Scooter Braun, had a major freak out moment. He complained that Justin should’ve been nominated for his latest album and that his latest numbers, sheer amount of fans, and his immense popularity should more than qualify him for a nomination. However, now that the nominations have … Keep Reading
Brooke Mueller Overdose – Rushed To Hospital After Another Drug Binge
We’ve just learned that earlier this morning Brooke Mueller was rushed to the hospital after overdosing on a large amount of drugs. According to TMZ, who reported the stories several minutes ago, Brooke was rushed from her home in Tarzana to a nearby hospital at 11:42 AM. Supposedly, Brooke is conscious and responsive; however, the severity of the overdose is … Keep Reading
Fifty Shades of Grey: Matt Bomer Is Too Old To Play Christian Grey – Kicked Out Of The Race (Video)
The Fifty Shades of Grey casting war is raging on like a drunken group of elderly people at a playground. According to Hope at Celebs Gather, the initial idea of casting Matt Bomer in the role of Christian Grey has now been placed on the back burner. Hope writes, “Rumor has it that the producers will not … Keep Reading
CeCe Frey and Diamond White Finally Eliminated From The X Factor USA – Review (Video)
The X-Factor USA finally stopped with the shocking eliminations when CeCe Frey and Diamond White were eliminated last night. CeCe Frey, the polarizing and overstayed vocal wannabe, left the competition first with the lowest amount of votes. There were no sing-offs to save her, nor were there any judges votes to keep her safe. It ended as immediately and … Keep Reading
Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie Pick Up Wedding Rings, Getting Married Or Still Teasing?
You have to be careful around Oscar season. Weird things happen. Actors get talky. Anne Hathaway wants BABIES! Ben Affleck LOVES his family and Brad Pitt’s finally getting married. Brad Pitt’ always getting married. And he knows this which is why this time we’ve got wedding rings! Angelina Jolie and Brad finally picked up the bands and now presumably nothing … Keep Reading
Mel Greig and Michael Christian: DJ’s Responsible for Kate Middleton Prank and Nurse Jacintha Saldanha’s Suicide
Kate Middleton’s pregnancy has given birth to more than just headlines and a boon to tabloids that finally got their predictions about the state of her uterus right, but to tragedy as well. Following the Duchess’ hospitalization for severe morning sickness, two Australian DJ’s decided to play a prank. Mel Greig and Michael Christian, of the Summer 30 show … Keep Reading
Shockingly Thin Kristen Stewart On New Cover, Bad Editing Or Is Stress Getting To Her?
There’s no end in sight. Magazine editors have an obsession with photo editing celebrities until there’s nothing left of them to see. The mass media and the majority of society decided that being stick-figure thin is the epitome of beauty, class, and femininity. They couldn’t be further from the truth. On the cover of the new issue of Marie Claire … Keep Reading