Celebrity Dirty Laundry - Page 14787

Tyra Plans on Adopting

Tyra Banks is planning to fulfill a lifelong ambition by adopting a child. The star claims she hasn’t just jumped on the celebrity adoption bandwagon to copy Madonna and Angelina Jolie but insists she has harbored a desire to raise a child since she was young.

Banks says, “I’ve wanted to adopt since I was eight, nine years old, before Keep Reading

Lindsay Lohan’s Mom Speaks

“I’m out here for my child [Lindsay] but it’s a really, really scary place for these kids out here, and a lot goes on, and I needed to come see for myself this whole scene,” Dina told Star‘s David Caplan. “Obviously, we’re here for Ali, as well, and just for support; family support. But she [Lindsay] is my child,
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