Celebrity Dirty Laundry - Page 14921

Britney Wants to be Waitress – Maybe she needs the tips?

Britney?was drinking at hip hangout Les Deux with friends when she approached a manager and told him she wanted to wear a “sexy” corset and serve drinks.? The manager asked Britney to fill out an application form, before
interviewing her for a job.

A source told Life and Style Weekly magazine: “Britney told one of the managers, ‘I really want … Keep Reading

Celebrity Justice Again: Lindsay Lohan gets break in court!

Lindsay Lohan is officially off the hook for damages she caused in a 2005 car crash, after the dude who owned the van she hit flaked on the court hearing.

TMZ was in Beverly Hills court today when representatives for Lindsay’s insurance company arrived — and waited for the van’s owner to show up — he didn’t. The judge dismissed … Keep Reading

Jack Nicholson: I’m too SEXY for my FLAB!

He may be getting old, he may look like?a beached whale…..but Jack still thinks he is HOT STUFF.? Come on Jack, do you really believe that all those women are with you for any reason other than your fame and/or money.? Apparently, rumour has it he still tries it on with all the young girls!? Come on Jack, get a … Keep Reading

Finally the TRUTH…….It was all about the MONEY!

PARIS Hilton and her dad picked dollars over friendship when they made a big-money deal to chat with NBC, Barbara Walters re vealed Wednesday. Walters said she expected to score the first post-jail chat with Hilton be cause she had been talking with the pam pered princess while she was locked up and was friends with the whole family, The Keep Reading

Big Surprise – Los Angeles Sheriff’s Dept. thinks Paris Hilton might have got SPECIAL treatment!

An internal investigation has been launched by the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department to find out whether Paris Hilton received special treatment while behind bars.? The probe will look into allegations that she was given free access to a cordless phone (other inmates have to wait in line for a pay phone at certain hours) and received a new jail uniform … Keep Reading

You Can Have Britney’s Home for just $ 7.5 Million !


Places Beverly Hills Home On Market Again….? Pop superstar Britney Spears has placed her Beverly Hills, California mansion on the market again – and this time the luxury property comes fully-furnished.

Britney?first put her Tuscan Villa-style home on the market in February (07), just three months after she bought it, for $7.2 million.?

Spears, who also has a property … Keep Reading