Celebrity Dirty Laundry - Page 15019

Britney Spears Fixing Her "Hair" at the Salon?

I assume that Britney was at the Hairdresser watching a friend get something done? Whatever! This girl needs to get a stylist desperately. Its like she doesn’t look in the mirror before she leaves the house. I truly think she has the worst style I have ever seen outside of the trailer park.

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Angelina Jolie’s Heroin Addict Mom May Fight for Him

Apparently, Pax Thien’s mother is a Heroin addict that never signed the papers to give up her son. Te adoption papers were signed by his grandparents and may not be legal if the mother contests them. However, she abandoned him only two days after giving birth.

The grandparents are afraid she will threaten Angelina Jolie in order to get money.
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