Celebrity Dirty Laundry - Page 15168
Eva Longoria & Tony Parker Engaged!

Parker, a point guard for the San Antonio Spurs, flew into Los Angeles after his game on Wednesday night and surprised Longoria at her home as she got off work, according to the actress’s
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Leonardo Dicaprio and Al Gore at GQ Dinner (11/29/06)
Kate Bosworth on the Set of ”The Girl In the Park” (11/29/06)
Nicky Hilton Dosn’t Live up to The Hilton Name
Idrisi (her arhitect) paints Nicky as just a 23-yr-old kid manipulated by her handlers. Although he says the more serious of the Hilton sisters (“she’s more goth” and “she has a bit of a rock n’roll edge”). “Sometimes she would send me something she ripped out of a magazine,and
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50 Cent Thinks Oprah is White
Oprah Winfrey isn?t showing her true color, according to 50 Cent. In the January issue of Elle, in which the 31-year-old rapper says the 52-year-old talk show host “started out with black women’s views but has been catering to middle-aged white American women for so long that she’s become one herself. I think the idea of being publicly noted that
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