Celebrity Dirty Laundry - Page 15247
What The Hell is Happening to This Girl?
I’m to scared to show these pictures any bigger. If you want to be scared just click on them! What the hell is wrong with Lindsay Lohan recently? Does she ever sleep? NO! I want to know what she is on? And, why did she get so much shit in her lips? Does she honestly think she looks better? I
… Keep Reading Paris Hilton Goes to the Ivy in Beverly Hills (10/27/06)
Joaquin Phoenix is 32 Today! Happy Birthday!
Yes, Joaquin Phoenix deserves his own post! Hollywood’s hottest guy turns 32 years of age today. Their are not enough words to even describe why he is so hot. If you dont know much about him I suggest you read up on him! He’s had such an interesting life! He is not the typical hollywood idiot he actually believes in … Keep Reading
Jessica in London
Jessica Biel on the Set Of Her New Film (10/26/06)
Demi, Aston and Bruce Think Lindsay is WILD!

Both Moore and Willis — supported by Kutcher — have had heart-to-heart chats with Rumer, discouraging her