Celebrity Dirty Laundry - Page 15252


Can’t people just leave Madonna alone! I mean she is trying to help a child that was poor and had no chance of a good life without her. She could of just adopted any child, but she chose not to! Even Tom Cruise adopted children without problem and we all know what a crazy alien he is! Anyway here is
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Lindsay and Paris Back Together and Smoking!

Last night Paris and Lindsay did some partying and SMOKING at Hyde. When will these idiots be thrown in jail. Paris runs around everywhere smoking her pot! She dosnt even try to hide her habit? Atleast, she has a reason for being so dumb.

Wait, I forgot her publicist says she is only smoking a cig. Well, the last time Keep Reading

Paris not good for Nicole?

Nicole Richie has reunited with her former best friend Paris Hilton, but some of her other friends are a tad worried about it. They say that Richie, who has blamed her startling weight loss on nerves — is emotionally vulnerable these days, and not up to the sort of hard partying and manipulation that Hilton is famous for.
“Nicole is
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Madonna finds a Godfather?

Madonna wants her friend Rupert Everett to be the godfather of her recently adopted Malawian son David Banda. She believes his experiences working with AIDS sufferers in Africa makes him the perfect choice.”She knows he spends a lot of time in the country through his work with AIDS charities and that he know the country well. She feels he knows
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