Celebrity Dirty Laundry - Page 15261

Lindsay Lips Get Stung By a Bee At Hyde!

No, not really, but it sure looks like a Bee stung Lindsay’s lips as she exits Club Hyde on Wednesday (10/18/06) night! Whats with these young girls getting lip injections and going out like the same night? Stay home let your lips heal!!!! (click to see for yourself)

Oh and i’m not going to even comment on the oufit it … Keep Reading

If u Care….

Haley Joel Osment pleaded no contest Thursday to misdemeanor drunken driving and drug possession charges resulting from a July accident in which he crashed his car into a mailbox.

Superior Court Judge John Doyle sentenced the 18-year-old actor to three years probation and ordered Osment to spend 60 hours in an alcohol rehabilitation and education program, as well as attend … Keep Reading

It’s Great to be FEDERJERK!

Last Night, X17 caught KFED leaving his friends house (where he has been three nights this week already)….. X17 reports their was three guys, including FEDERJERK and three girls! What a suprise Brit Brit was not one of these girls. Anyway, they headed to Les Deux with FEDERJERK’S bodyguard who “protected” one of the girls when they left.


Do they … Keep Reading