12 years a slave

Critics Choice Awards 2014 Nominees – 12 Years A Slave And American Hustle Rule The Roost

Awards season has gone into full swing, and we're starting to get an idea of how the the race is…

Golden Globe Nominations Shine Spotlight On American Hustle And Twelve Years A Slave – Complete List

The Golden Globe Awards aren't necessarily a strong prognosticator of the Oscars, purely because their main categories are divided into…

Twelve Years A Slave Movie Review: Devastating In Its Power, And Deeply Emotional

Twelve Years A Slave is one of those movies that comes around every few years, the type of movie that…

Brad Pitt Announces Retirement After “12 Years A Slave” Gets Rave Reviews at the Toronto Film Festival?

Brad Pitt is in the critically acclaimed new movie, Twelve Years a Slave, and the amount of buzz it's receiving means…