angelina jolie jennifer aniston feud

Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston Golden Globes Face-To-Face Showdown: Brad Pitt Mediates First Confrontation In Ten Years! (PHOTO)

Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie are headed for a face-to-face Golden Globes showdown according to the diligent reporters at In…

Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie Oscar Showdown: Angie Wins This Fight!

Jennifer Aniston is trying desperately to land an Oscar nomination for 'Cake', whereas Angelina Jolie is all but guaranteed a…

Angelina Jolie Spites Jennifer Aniston: Has Sex With Brad Pitt in Rival’s Favorite Hotel Suite

Although the whole 'Angelina Jolie steals Jennifer Aniston's man and now her hotel' thing is a bit old, Star Magazine…

Angelina Jolie Ruins Jennifer Aniston’s Favorite Hotel Suite By Sleeping There With Brad Pitt

You'd think that the tabloids would have given up on the Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston feud by now, but…

Jennifer Aniston Avoids Angelina Jolie’s Flight: Changes Planes and Airlines!

Awkward. According to a new report from E!, Jennifer Aniston ended up changing a flight last minute after finding out…