bobbi kristina brown family

Bobbi Kristina Brown Family Fighting With Nick Gordon In Public To Distract From $20 Million Inheritance Battle?

Bobbi Kristina Brown's family is ruthless and determined to get that $20 million fortune left by Whitney Houston, and they're…

Bobbi Kristina Brown Family Battles Over $20 Million Inheritance: Bobby Brown Wants Whitney Houston’s Fortune?

Surprise, surprise, Bobbi Kristina Brown's family is reportedly 'worried' about Whitney Houston's $20 million inheritance she left Bobbi. CDL has been…

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Family Bans Nick Gordon From Home He Shared With Bobbi – Protecting $20 Million Inheritance?

Bobbi Kristina Brown's family has banned her husband Nick Gordon from his home - is it to protect their interest…

Bobbi Kristina Brown Family Fighting Nick Gordon Over $20 Million Inheritance: Ban Hospital Visits, Push Husband Away

Bobbi Krstina Brown is heir to a $20 million inheritance fortune and the Houston and Brown families, as well as…

Bobbi Kristina Brown Security Trying To Prevent Hospital Photo Being Taken and Sold

Bobbi Kristina Brown is lying comatose in a hospital bed, surrounded by 'loving' family and lots and lots of security.…

Bobbi Kristina Brown To Die On Whitney Houston’s Death Anniversary – Family Stopping Life Support – Fighting Over Inheritance?

Bobbi Kristina Brown is scheduled to die on February 11, the anniversary of Whitney Houston's death, as her family intends…

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Family Brawl Over Crackhead Call: Bobby Brown’s Sister Tina Hits Cousin Shayne in Head With Bottle

Bobbi Kristina Brown's family had a bloody brawl and police were called after one member was called a 'crackhead' and…

Bobbi Kristina Brown To Be Taken Off Life Support Soon, Doctors Claim – Is Family After Whitney Houston Inheritance?

Bobbi Kristina Brown is lying brain dead in a hospital, with experts and doctors alleging that she simply cannot recover…