
Scarlett Johansson Has A New Slice Of Beefcake! (And It’s Her Bodyguard)

Scarlett Johansson has apparently got a thing for hulking, protective men, as she was spotted this week, lounging on a…

Michael Jackson’s Bodyguard Claims He Is Blanket’s Real Father

Michael Jackson’s former bodyguard, Matt Fiddes, is on his way to Los Angeles to pick up his son, Blanket Jackson. …

Madonna’s Former Bodyguard Thrown In Jail

A one time US Marine who used to work as a bodyguard for Madonna has been convicted of smuggling guns…

Oksana Grigorieva sure can pick ’em! E-mails Confirm She Lied About Bodyguard

Now it seems there is clear evidence that Oksana Grigorieva and her convicted felon bodyguard Kristian Herzog had an intimate…