Castle Season 7 Recap

Castle Detailed Recap: Season 7 Episode 7 “Upon a Time in the West”

Tonight on ABC Castle starring Nathan Fillion continues with an all new Monday November 17, season 7 episode 7 called “Once…

Castle Recap – Becket and Castle Say I Do: Season 7 Episode 6 “The Time of Our Lives”

Tonight on ABC Castle starring Nathan Fillion continues with an all new Monday November 10, season 7 episode 6 called “The…

Castle Recap 10/27/14: Season 7 Episode 5 “Meme Is Murder”

Tonight on ABC Castle starring Nathan Fillion continues with an all new Monday October 27, season 7 episode 5 called…

Castle Recap “Child’s Play”: Season 7 Episode 4

Tonight on ABC CASTLE starring Nathan Fillion continues with an all new Monday October 20, season 7 episode 4 called…

Castle Recap 10/13/14: Season 7 Episode 3 “Clear & Present Danger”

Tonight on ABC CASTLE starring Nathan Fillion continues with an all new Monday October 13, season 7 episode 3 called…

Castle Recap 10/6/14: Season 7 Episode 2 “Montreal”

Tonight on ABC CASTLE starring Nathan Fillion continues with an all new Monday October 6, season 7 episode 2 called…

Castle Detailed Live Premiere Recap: Season 7 “Driven”

Tonight on ABC CASTLE starring Nathan Fillion returns with an all new Monday September 29, season 7 premiere episode called…