Big Brother 16 Recap 7/24/14: Brittany Evicted on Episode 14 “Live Eviction & HoH” #BB16

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns for tall new episode in their 16th season. On tonight’s episode a house guest…

Big Brother 16 Recap 7/23/14: Episode 13 “Power of Veto” #BB16

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns for the thirteenth episode of their 16th season. On tonight’s episode house guests vie…

Extant Recap 7/23/14: Season 1 Episode 3 “Wish You Were Here”

Tonight on CBS Extant returns with a new episode called, “Wish You Were Here” and on this new episode Molly…

Under the Dome Recap 7/21/14: Season 2 Episode 4 “Revelation”

Tonight on CBS their drama UNDER THE DOME airs with a new episode called, “Revelation.” On tonight’s episode Big Jim…

Big Brother 16 Recap 7/20/14: Episode 12 “Eviction Nominations” #BB16

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns for the twelve episode of their 16th season. On tonight’s episode we will see…

Big Brother 16 Recap: Devin Evicted – Episode 11 “Live Eviction” #BB16

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns for the eight episode of their 16th season. On tonight’s episode a house guest…

Extant Recap 7/16/14: Season 1 Episode 2 “Extinct”

Tonight on CBS Extant returns with a new episode called, “Extinct” and on this new episode Molly uncovers details of…

Big Brother 16 Recap 7/16/14: Episode 10 “Power of Veto” #BB16

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns for the tenth episode of their 16th season. On tonight’s episode the house guests…