Report: Kristen Stewart Got Close To Rupert Sanders’ Kids During Their Affair BY Sarah Silverthorne on July 26, 2012 | Comments: Leave CommentsRelated : Kristen Stewart
Katie Couric Cheating Scandal Explodes! BY Dr. Jody Overland on April 18, 2012 | Comments: Leave CommentsRelated : Katie Couric, Matt Lauer, Tabloid Wednesday
Angelina Jolie Admits To Cheating On Brad Pitt – Relationship Doomed (Photo) BY Dr. Jody Overland on April 11, 2012 | Comments: 17 commentsRelated : Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Magazine Cover
Kris Humphries To Subpoena Kim Kardashian & Her Family To Prove She Cheated BY Dr. Jody Overland on April 4, 2012 | Comments: 2 commentsRelated : Cheating, Divorce, Kim Kardashian, Kris Humphries, Kris Jenner, Tabloid Wednesday
Kim Kardashian Cheated On Kris Humphries – Kim’s Secret Lover Exposed (Photo) BY Jaclyn Reid on April 4, 2012 | Comments: one commentRelated : Kim Kardashian, Kris Humphries, Tabloid Wednesday
Antonio Banderas Caught Cheating On Melanie Griffith On Video (Photo) BY Dr. Jody Overland on April 2, 2012 | Comments: 3 commentsRelated : Antonio Banderas, Magazine Cover, Melaine Griffith
Jada Pinkett-Smith Suspicious And Angry About Will Smith’s New Boyfriend BY Newsbylisa on April 1, 2012 | Comments: Leave CommentsRelated : Celebrity Breakup, Jada Pinkett, Will Smith
Brad Pitt Concerned That Angelina Jolie Craving Old Days Of Affairs And Drugs BY Dr. Jody Overland on February 11, 2012 | Comments: 4 commentsRelated : Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt