Celebrity Justice

Casey Anthony Judge: Juror Names Will Remain Secret Until People Calm Down

Judge Belvin Perry the judge in the Casey Anthony trial has complained about the media and says he will keep…

Conrad Murray Attempts To Shield Jurors From Media

A lawyer representing Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray has asked the judge to sequester jurors at the Doctor's upcoming trial…

Lindsay Lohan Being Sued For $1 million By Dawn Holland

Lindsay Lohan is being sued by Dawn Holland for $1 million for the damage she supposedly suffered at the hand…

Lindsay Lohan Ordered Back To Court Tomorrow

Judge Stephanie Sautner has ordered Lindsay Lohan, 25,  back to court tomorrow, July 20th, 2011.  Will there be more Lindsay…

Lucky Canada! They Get To Keep Crazy Randy and Evi Quaid

Gosh Canada is so lucky they get to keep crazy as a bag of hammers Randy and Evi Quaid.   The…

Ohio Police WILL Protect Newly Released Casey Anthony If She Shows them the $$$$

As everyone knows Casey Anthony who was accused of murdering her daughter Caylee Anthony was released from jail this morning. …

Ronni Chasen Murdered With Cop’s Stolen Gun

Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen was murdered with a .38-caliber revolver gun taken from a police officer during a robbery in…

Roger Clemens Escapes Jail With Mistrial – Good News!

Roger Clemens used steroids and HGH in order to improve his major league baseball pitching as he got older. So…