Celebrity Justice

Uncle Sam Has Filed a $500,000 Tax Lien Again Val Kilmer

The tax man is not happy with Val Kilmer, 50.  Val owes over $500,000 in federal taxes.  According to Detnews :…

Teen Mom Amber Portwood Arrested

As we reported this morning teen Mom Amber Portwood  was charged with four counts of felony and two counts of domestic…

Floyd Mayweather Has Tantrum At Security

Picture champion boxer Floyd Mayweather, the world's most conceited man, arriving at the Las Vegas gated community last weekend, where…

Murderer Phil Spector Sued By The Ronettes

Before Phil Spector became a paranoid weirdo with big hair and now an inmate doing time for murder he was…

Tax Debt Snares Pam Anderson

Something is very wrong with the way Pam Anderson does her taxes - or at the very least she needs…

Lindsay Lohan Admits She DID Push Betty Ford Centre Employee

The plot thickens just when mean Daddy Lohan has come out and defended his baby chick Lindsay Lohan because she…

Lindsay Lohan Suspect In Criminal Battery Investigation

Just as news is released that The Betty Ford Center has moved Lindsay Lohan to a secret location - news is…

Chris Brown Tweets His Domestic Violence Class Diploma

Chris Brown has completed his 52 week domestic violence course and he has the diploma to prove it.  Chris proudly tweeted…