claire coffee

Grimm Recap – Nick Tries to Get His Groove Back: Season 4 Episode 6 “Highway of Tears”

Grimm returns to NBC tonight with a brand new Friday November 28, season 4 episode 6 and we have our weekly…

Grimm Recap- A Litter of Big Bad Wolves: Season 4 Episode 5 “Cry Luison”

Grimm returns to NBC tonight with a brand new Friday November 21, season 4 episode 5 and we have the weekly…

Grimm Recap 11/14/14: Season 4 Episode 4 “Dyin’ on a Prayer”

Grimm returns to NBC tonight with a brand new Friday November 14, season 4 episode 4. In “Dyin' on a Prayer,” Nick…

Grimm Recap: Season 4 Episode 3 “Last Fight”

Grimm returns to NBC tonight with a brand new Friday November 7, season 4 episode 3. In “Last Fight,” Nick…

Grimm Recap: Watch Out For Agent Chavez – “Octopus Head” Season 4 Episode 2

Grimm returns to NBC tonight with a brand new Friday October 31, season 4 episode 2. In “Octopus Head,” Nick…

Grimm Recap 10/24/14: Season 4 Episode 1 Premiere “Thanks for the Memories”

Grimm returns to NBC tonight with a brand new Friday October 24, season 4 episode 1 premiere episode. In “Thanks for…

Grimm RECAP 5/16/2014: Season 3 Finale “Blond Ambition”

GRIMM returns to NBC tonight at 9PM EST with a brand new episode. In “Blond Ambition", the third season ends…

Grimm RECAP: Season 3 Episode 21 “The Inheritance”

GRIMM returns to NBC tonight at 9PM EST with a brand new episode. In “The Inheritance,” Nick and Hank investigate…