Dylan Farrow

Dylan Farrow Was Sexually Molested By Woody Allen – Evidence Mounts Against Him

After we reported to CDL readers that Dylan Farrow, adopted daughter of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow, had penned an…

Woody Allen Claims He Did Not Abuse Dylan Farrow, Accuses Mia Farrow Of Brainwashing Dylan

This whole Woody Allen situation has just been increasingly depressing and... yeah, actually just depressing. One the one hand, you…

Woody Allen Dated 17-Year-Old Stacey Nelkin When He Was 42

When Woody Allen won a Golden Globe a few weeks ago for his latest film, Blue Jasmine it took only…

Woody Allen’s Alleged Sexual Abuse of Daughter Dylan Farrow Detailed in Open Letter to The New York Times

In what has to be one of the most heart-wrenching and shocking letters ever made public, Dylan Farrow has penned…