Elisabetta Canalis

George Clooney Kicked Stacy Keibler Out Of House With $10 Million In Prize Money

Stacy Keibler is not following the game plan. In fact, she's being a straight up pain in the ass. George…

How Stacey Kiebler Lost George Clooney

There is no bigger way than to kill the feelings that the ultimate bachelor in Hollywood, George Clooney, has for…

Sacha Baron Cohen Throws Elisabetta Canalis’ Body Off A Boat

Uh oh. Elisabetta Canalis has angered Sacha Baron Cohen's General Aladeen charater! The star of The Dictator recruited George Clooney's…

George Clooney’s Girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis Bares All for PETA

[PIC REMOVED] Italian model, actor, and George Clooney's significant sexy otherĀ  Elisabetta Canalis, 32, has just shot a new anti-fur…