Kim Kardashian sex tape

Kim Kardashian’s New Sex Tape Scandal: KUWTK Star Dishes On Leaked Nude Images!

Kim Kardashian wants everyone to know that her sex tape days are over and behind her. New reports indicate that…

Kim Kardashian Sex Tape With Ray J Highest Grossing In Sex Tape History – Sales Boosted By Naked Paper Magazine Photo Shoot!

Kim Kardashian has yet another dubious honor to add to her long list of dubious honors. She is now the…

Kris Jenner Furious At Kim Kardashian For Raunchy Bound 2 Music Video (PHOTO)

Well, this is just hilarious. According to the latest cover issue of Heat Magazine, Kris Jenner is apparently furious at…

Kanye West Releases Kim Kardashian’s Second Sex Tape – Bound 2 Nauseate?

Oh, Kanye West. How you entertain us, constantly living in the shadow of your own greatness, always trying to convince…

Kris Jenner Discusses Kim Kardashian’s Sex Tape, Lies To Joan Rivers About Not Leaking It (VIDEO)

Kris Jenner was recently featured in an episode of In Bed With Joan, and while discussing her 'momager' duties with…

Kanye West Furious Over Ray J Attack On Kim Kardashian – (AUDIO)

I feel you Ye. I'd be furious too. This was a total douche move by Ray J. Kim Kardashian is…

Kim Kardashian Sex Tape Threats From Brother Rob Kardashian Over Kanye West Collaboration!

Poor Kim Kardashian – girl can’t get a break from her fourth sister even when she’s pregnant! Rob Kardashian, who…

Convicted Felon Says He Made Two Sex Tapes With Kim Kardashian

A convicted felon, who has spent more than 10 years in prison, filed a motion that he has made two…