kris jenner divorce

Bruce Jenner Sex Change: Kris Files for Divorce Citing ‘Irreconcilable Differences’ – No Kidding!

Bruce Jenner's sex change involving shaving his legs, wearing spanx, a laryngeal shave, and much more has triggered Kris Jenner to…

Kris Jenner Divorce From Bruce Delayed Over Money Issues and Prenup (PHOTO)

I think it was very obvious well over a year ago that Kris and Bruce Jenner were headed for a…

Bruce Jenner and Kris Jenner Divorcing Soon: Kris Wears Wedding Ring Only for Show – Couple Already Separated

Does anyone believe for a second that Kris and Bruce Jenner are a happy couple? Didn't think so. I mean…

Bruce and Kris Jenner Separate: Wedding Ring Off and Divorce Negotiations Ongoing (PHOTO)

Bruce Jenner and Kris Jenner are reportedly already separated, even though the rumors of a possible rift only started a…

Kris Jenner Divorce From Bruce Jenner Proceeds: Caused By Kardashian Family Crises

Don't you love how Kris Jenner turns up on television talking about how fabulous her life is and what a…

Kris Jenner and Bruce Jenner Divorce and Custody Battle Next Step After Legal Separation

Do you blame the Kardashian children for often siding with Bruce Jenner over Kris Jenner? Yes, the whole lot of…

Kris Jenner and Bruce Jenner Have Already Separated: Bruce and His Lawyers Pursue Divorce Option

When Bruce Jenner finally decided to take a huge step towards reclaiming himself no one other than Kris Jenner seemed…

Bruce Jenner Wants To Divorce Kris Jenner In Face Of Latest Kardashian Scandals

After the last several months it's really no wonder that Bruce Jenner moved out of the mansion he had shared…