mellisa gorga

Teresa Giudice and Mellisa Gorga Finally Become Friends?

Anyone who doubted the renewed friendship of sisters in law Melissa Gorga and Teresa Giudice has been proven wrong. After…

Joe and Mellisa Gorga Happy Teresa Giudice Faces Serious Jail Time

Earlier this month Teresa Giudice pleaded guilty to 4 counts of fraud. It is unknown what sentence she will get,…

Mellisa Gorga in Danger From Danielle Staub as Criminal with Mob Connections Returns to RHONJ

Melissa Gorga may be making a new friend. Rumors are coming out of New Jersey that Bravo is bringing back…

Teresa Giudice Says She Adores Ugly Niece Antonia Gorga: Melissa Gorga Wants Blood!

Wasn’t Teresa Giudice’s fifteen minutes up about six months ago?  The attention whore has once again used her blog (that’s…