north korea

George Clooney Blasts Hollywood Elite After They Refuse To Take Stand Against North Korea Sony Hacking – They’re Cowards!

The Cloonmeister General of Hollywood, a.k.a. George Clooney, has revealed in an extensive interview with Deadline that he firmly believes…

Sony Shuts Down ‘The Interview’ After North Korea Cyber-Attack: James Franco, Seth Rogen Defiant

Sony caved and shut down 'The Interview' after North Korea's criminal cyber-attack. Surprise, surprise, it was North Korea behind Sony's…

Sony Hacking Scandal: Hackers Say 9/11-like Catastrophe Will Fall Upon Any Theater Showing ‘The Interview’

The Sony hacking scandal is blowing up the Internet, and the company still hasn't found the culprit(s); however, some think…

Dennis Rodman: Paid Stooge for Brutal Dictator Kim Jong-un – Disgusting! (VIDEO)

Dennis Rodman has become best buds with North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un and, during his stay in Pyongyang, North Korea, he…

Hackers Demand President Obama Declare War On North Korea – Threaten To Bomb White House In Swatting Hoax

Reports are out that a swatter and hacker group, responsible for exposing the private financial details of Michelle Obama and…